Category: Nutrition

Quinoa and Veggie Stuffed Squash

I am so backed up on posting recipes on here that I will probably spend the next couple of weeks putting a new one up every other day! Okay, maybe not that much to bombard your updates… but at least a handful more before the year is over to play catch up a bit. :)

This one also got some awesome reviews from the members of Anytime Fitness. It’s super easy and SUPER yummy, and you can play around with ingredients (adding more veggies you like, including meat/cheese or not, all kinds of fun deliciousness) according to your personal specifications. Make sure to comment below with any fun alterations you try!

I kept this the same format as the last instead of typing it out on here, and will continue doing so due to the feedback about it being easy to print and share. Yay for my computer skills making you happy! :)

Mmm.. I love squash season...
Mmm.. I love squash season…

Some more recipes you have to look forward to (just off the top of my head, because there will be a LOT more) are: Oven-Roasted Veggies; Cinna-Beer Buns with Honey Beer Caramel & Chopped Pretzel Filling (the original, unhealthy version… consider it a Splurge-cipe!); my Go-To Dinner Salad (trust me, it’s absolutely mouth-watering); and tons of others I’ve gotten requests for.

If you want to be a little ahead of the game when it comes to food photos, recipes, fitness tips, free workouts, or other randomly entertaining things, add me on Instagram and Twitter.

Also don’t forget to like us on Facebook or subscribe for email updates to the left if you’d like to know whenever a new blog is posted! I am also planning some reaaally awesome give-aways for the beginning of the new year for Facebook friends so clickity click if you want to see what’s in store.

And, one last thing: Please, please, PLEASE share our Veteran’s Corner page with any and all military veterans you know! It is bound to be a GREAT venue for them, whether they are experienced writers or not, and we are very excited about making this something special! I have also decided to include veteran’s spouses, family members, or significant others as possible contributors. If this describes you, please go check out the submission page and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Slow-Cooker Thanksgiving Chili

I know we are already well-beyond our tryptophan comas, but I still had to share this delicious and EASY recipe with everyone since it got such rave reviews from the members at the Anytime Fitness where I train and lend a helping hand.

Rather than re-typing it out on here, I attached it in the same handout format that I originally made. This way, you can just click on and print to size (either in a new window, or right click and hit “print”). Easy, breezy.

Try it out and let me know what you think in the comments below! And, of course, Happy-Deliciously-Belated-Thanksgiving!

Super easy, super delicious, super festive ANY time of year!
Super easy, super delicious, super festive ANY time of year!

5 Reasons Detachment Can Save Your Relationship

As originally published on MindBodyGreen

5 Reasons Detachment Can Save Your Relationship

When most people envision the ideal relationship, they think of engulfing, inseparable love. Being “attached at the hip” is typically an early sign that you and your new love share the ever-consuming, romantic high of a Nicholas Sparks novel.
You want to keep learning about each other, acting as sponges to the other’s every word and affection.
So, how in the world can detachment actually strengthen an intensely loving and growing relationship?
Detachment is one of the most important aspects in achieving true, profound fulfillment. Believe it or not, practicing detachment while remaining vulnerable will benefit you in remarkable ways.
Here are some of the ways detachment can help you: 
1. You’ll worry less. 
Worry can be seen as somewhat of a wasteful emotion, similar to fear. Both are negative, anxious feelings attached to thoughts that do not exist because they have not yet occurred. Why waste your precious mental energy on something that hasn’t even happened yet? If you worry because of past experiences, remind yourself that this (and every moment from now on) is a brand new, unrelated experience. Learn from the past, but don’t allow it to hinder your future. Detach yourself from any fear or worry, express gratitude for the present, and watch your tension and anxiety fall away.
2. You’ll accept more. 
When you detach yourself from “what should be” or “what could be” and focus on what is, you open a whole new door into the splendor of acceptance. Take a moment to acknowledge what you hope for the future, and then release the thought into the universe. Have faith in the direction that your life (and your love) will go. Simply remember: What will be, will be… and no amount of dwelling will change that.
3. You’ll have increased productivity. 
With less time spent on burdensome thoughts or tasks, it leaves more time to live your life (and savor your love). When the mind is swirling with what-ifs and worry, it takes away from enjoying this very moment. It’s amazing how much time is lost on “shoulda-coulda” thoughts. Realize when these thoughts begin to consume your mind and ask yourself, how is this affecting me in this very instant? How is this affecting my relationship? Can I be doing something else right now to benefit myself?
You will see that by allowing your mind to drown in too much thought, you are only wasting the time you have. Stop brooding and start living. You will thank yourself later.
4. You’ll achieve peace of mind. 
The instant you recognize what detachment really means and how it feels to practice it in your daily life, it will feel like a huge breath of fresh air. You will feel empowered, enlightened, and grateful. The beautiful thing about this is how it can change your life: Purely by redirecting the thoughts in your mind from obsessive and concerning, to appreciative and blissful. Your face will shine and you will be more pleasurable to be around… And who doesn’t want to be in love with someone who exudes love and inner peace?
5. Experience more love.
I deeply believe in the Oxygen-Mask Theory in all aspects of life: you must truly love and accept yourself first, and know you are deserving of it, in order to provide your best self in any relationship with anyone else. Otherwise, you are not only being unfair to yourself, but unfair to your counterpart. Just as your sweetheart deserves to be happy and unconditionally loved, so do you. Remind yourself of that every day.
Detaching ourselves from certain emotions, especially those intensified within a romantic relationship, becomes much easier once you realize that emotions are only temporary. Life is a series of change; this includes the change of your significant other from who he (or she) is now, to whom he or she will be in ten years.
Circumstances are temporary, frustration during difficult times is temporary, and even expectations are temporary. Unconditional love and acceptance are the only worthwhile constants. Choose to focus on the constants and detach from ever-changing emotions, and see your love life (or even single life) flourish more than ever before.

Nostalgic “Nutritional” Ads

Brace yourself. These are some vintage ads from back in the day (which, by the way, I’m sure quite a few moms took in as valid advice).


Ummmm… What?
I especially love their advice in the box. This must have been pre-ADHD days.
Would love to have met the Nutrition Professional behind this one!
Oh sweet Moses……
Have to love the sexual innuendo they mixed in for safekeeping. Heyo Sugar!
Seriously, 7up?


It may seem surprising to see such blatantly misleading ads, but this really wasn’t that long ago. And even more interesting? Many don’t realize that marketing and advertising still play the same game today.

More recently, this commercial glorifying corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup has come out (and here is just one study showing the actuality of it).

That commercial is just one modern day version of the ads above, which proves the point that it is always up to us as the consumer to educate ourselves on what is best for us and our family, nutritionally and otherwise. Depending on ads, propaganda, and trends, is basically just depending on a company’s financial goals more than your own well-being. And that’s not blaming the public, whatsoever. I like to think the companies and higher-ups behind these messages TO the public would know better… and either they truly don’t (in which case they should probably hire some more knowledgeable nutrition scientists and wellness consultants, hint hint)… Or, and unfortunately this is probably the winner, financial gain holds precedence over any concern for overall community well-being.

This is why it is so important to not only educate yourself, but take the minimal effort to be aware. Be aware of who is providing or funding the ads you read and commercials you watch. For example, the commercial shared in the link above was made by the Corn Refiners Association (CRA). The ads above were made by Sugar Information, Inc., and the Soda Pop Board of America. These corporations are, obviously, biased of the products they provide.

So, to sum it up, here are some easy tips to keep in mind:

  • It’s okay to be skeptical of advertising and marketing, especially in the food world (and this is coming from an admittedly naive, anti-skeptic)!
  • Educate yourself.
  • The less biased the source of a claim is, the more likely you can trust it.
  • When in doubt, just go back to simplicity: turn off the TV and computer, calm your mind of all external influences and sources, and stick to eating (and feeding your family) fresh, unprocessed foods like good ol’ fruits and veggies.





Discipline and Nutrition

I was going over a piece of reading material in my arsenal, the NFPT Fitness Nutrition Specialist Manual, and came across a great section entitled Discipline and Nutrition. It relays my personal perspective on the subject almost perfectly, as well as my personal practice with clients (and friends) regarding nutrition, diet, training, and reaching their goals. I only hope all fitness, health, and nutrition professionals feel the same! …

“Let us equate your pet’s diet to your own, or to that of one of your clients’. While it is almost certain that pet food is less palatable than let’s say, a steak, or a slice of apple pie, a properly raised and well-disciplined pet, having never tasted steak or apple pie, will want for nothing. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have been born into a world where junk food and dietary temptation never even existed? We too then, would want for nothing. We would eat simply for the purpose of sustaining our body’s dietary needs, and never be faced with making that decision between cookies and grapes. We would be eating nothing but natural healthy foods just like our ancestors, and just like our bodies were created to eat.

Imagine the difference junk-free eating would make in all of our lives. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world currently suffering from every possible diet related disorder ranging anywhere from high blood pressure to diabetes; from depression and low self-esteem to the hyperactivity common in our children brought on by hypoglycemia; from cardiovascular diseases to obesity. Just think of how difficult it would be in terms of breaking habits and unlearning eating behavior to go back to totally natural foods. While this may seem somewhat unattainable, as a fitness professional, you need to make the effort. It will take you a long way down the road to client respect and success as a fitness professional to do so.

The toughest part of eating right is in the early stages when the very thought of all your favorite foods affect your taste buds. And, like it or not, the real problem doesn’t exist solely in your mouth, but more so in the back of your mind. No, not the deep subconscious either, rather in certain centers in the brain that are specific to causing physiological responses such as salivation, at the very thought or sight of different foods. You would be amazed to learn how much money actually goes into psychological research in putting together television advertisements for foods. The sole intention of this research is to manipulate regions of our minds in order to sell us a food product.

As you can easily see, you are definitely fighting an uphill battle all the way in declaring war on junk food. Only the strong willed, and the incredibly disciplined even stand a chance for success in establishing and maintaining life-long healthy eating behaviors. Only through effective and continued short-term goal setting, a serious and strong source of motivation, and a crystal clear vision of your ultimate achievement, can you ever hope to survive the arduous drudgery of taste bud denial in the preliminary stages of this dietary transition.

How long do you have to stick to a bland, healthy diet before you lose this taste for junk food? The answer is simple… as long as it takes. As is true with any worthwhile pursuit, if it means enough to you, you will do whatever it takes to get the job done. We all have our breaking point when it comes to healthy eating, too. Many people would prefer to have their skin slowly and quite painfully peeled away, rather than having to go even one night without their half gallon of ice cream. While others may be able to simply put the thought of certain foods out of their minds completely and focus clearly on their goals and visions of the ultimate achievement.

Strict dieting is therefore not for everyone, as we all have different levels of tolerance to the actions of the brain centers that actually control taste. This is obviously reflected in the emotional roller coaster ride many overweight Americans are currently on, seemingly at the mercy of their brain centers’ regulation of taste, and the resulting failure to consume fewer calories, and partake exclusively of healthier foods. If anyone has the motivation to succeed it would be the obese. One must also recognize that our society is not exactly conducive to weight control either, with all the psychological manipulation in the food service industry, outrageous portion sizes, confusing food product labeling, and many food labeling practices bordering on being fraudulent, it is almost as though the cards are stacked against those wishing to make a positive change to their dietary practices.

This chapter was not intended to suggest a willingness to accept a client’s inability to change his or her eating habits on your part, on the contrary, it is intended to encourage an element of patience, and compassion for these people. What may come easy for you may be next to impossible for someone else. These people need to know you’re on their side. No matter how frustrated you feel about a client’s failure to adhere to your dietary recommendations, you should always be supportive, compassionate, and most importantly, a friend!”

Healthy “Birthday Cupcake” in a bowl!

After today’s workout, I came home to nonchalantly mix up a little recovery meal to hold me over a bit. This amazingly delicious bowl of goodness was the result of that. Filling, healthy, and literally tastes JUST LIKE the classic yellow cupcake with chocolate frosting on top. Not kidding! Definitely recommend you all try it out, feel free to share the credited photo, and ENJOY! :)

Great substitutes for the oat bran include quinoa flakes, cream of rice, or rolled oats.

Why are Americans obese?

I came across this graphic courtesy of MindBodyGreen. It’s pretty self-explanatory and is a great eye-opener for those who may not realize the huge portions that our country has grown to have… and see as regular portions.


Sigh. America.


Take a look, how do YOU think we can take cues from other nations and go back to our former, regularly-sized meals?



Sign this petition to help us get a Trader Joe’s in Ormond Beach, FL!

*This petition has already been printed and mailed thanks to ALL of you!

For updates, please visit and like our Open a Trader Joe’s in Ormond Beach, FL, Facebook page:

Please take a moment to read, sign, and SHARE this petition. Just fill out your information in the spaces given, read over the letter, and click the button below it to add your signature!

Once we receive one-thousand signatures, they will each be printed out and mailed directly to the CEO of Trader Joe’s, Mr. Daniel Bane.

Share through email, Facebook, smoke signal.. any way you can! We are already well on our way to making this happen! :)


Totally Impromptu Banana Oat Pancakes

Most of my recipes are a result of someone saying, “I don’t have anything to eat”. That is one of my favorite things to hear, or I shall say, one of my inner-culinary-Macgyver’s favorite things to hear.


Cell phone photos go hand in hand with the frugal life of a Kitchen Macgyver.

These pancakes are a result of the mister saying just that after coming home from an appointment this morning… except he also expressed his craving for pancakes. Adding fuel to the fire, his concluding, “I have no idea what you would make them out of.. there really is nothing here, especially for pancakes.” The funniest part is that we have been through this numerous times. Even back to the very first time I went to his house, he said there was absolutely nothing to eat. Half an hour later, he sat down to homemade veggie bean burgers on Ezekiel with special sauce. You’d think he knew how it works by now, but I think he just plays along at this point due to, 1) how excited I get.. and, 2) getting to eat the (normally pretty yummy) end result. Yay for meeting your foodie soulmate.


Anyways, I digress. After scrounging through the kitchen cabinets, this is the result of today’s “there is nothing to eat” challenge. Totally Impromptu Banana Oat Pancakes.



¼ cup + 2 tablespoons Steel Cut Oats

1 tsp baking powder

½ tsp cinnamon

pinch of salt

2 tbsp corn starch

¼ cup whole wheat flour

¼ cup shredded mozzarella

2 tbsp baking stevia

½ tbsp butter (melted)

¾+ cup milk *I eye-balled it until a thick but pourable consistency was reached

1 tbsp almond butter

1 large banana, mashed up

Stevia, honey, almond butter, and butter to make it pretty once they’re done


Honestly, when I put these things together, it’s important to keep in mind I don’t always measure and am literally creating it with all I have in the kitchen at the time. I am pretty sure I remembered the correct proportions of ingredients… but definitely make sure to add more milk, if needed, since I just poured it in until a thick but pourable batter consistency was reached.


Mix the oats, baking powder, cinnamon, salt, corn starch, flour and shredded mozzarella together in a large measuring cup (I had a 16 oz one available). In a separate bowl, whisk together the butter, milk, stevia and almond butter. Pour the wet ingredients into the measuring cup and whisk until mixed. Then add in the mashed banana and whisk until all incorporated.


Heat a nonstick pan on medium-low heat. Once it is warmed up well, spray nonstick spray and pour about ¼ cup batter. These take a little bit longer than regular pancakes due to the steel cut oats (which added a great nutty texture and taste that he said made these so amazing), at least 3 minutes a side. Once the edges look dry and the top begins to slightly bubble, flip the pancake for another 3-4 minutes. You should end up with 6-8 golden brown, medium pancakes.


Garnish the plate with a sprinkle of stevia, drizzle of honey, and grossly romantic heart-shaped butters.


Happy Chocolate Chip Cookie Day!

There literally seems to be a day for every single food, condiment, spice, baked good, anything-slightly-culinarily-related these days. But, especially considering O.G. chocolate chip cookies are one of my better known specialties, who would I be to pass this up?

Instead of a plain ol’ recipe for cookies, here is a special little treat I will occasionally make myself (that is just like eating my O.G. cookies all mushy-like with a spoon.. Mmm..)

Post-Workout Warm Cookie Dough in a Bowl

Mix the following ingredients in a good-sized bowl:

¼ C. cream of rice (dry) + 3/4 C. water 
½ C. + 3 Tbsp liquid egg whites
½ tsp butter extract
½ tsp vanilla extract
Pinch of ground instant coffee
1 Tbsp brown sugar [OR] 1/2 Tbsp maple syrup + 2 Tbsp stevia [OR] 1 Tbsp Splenda brown sugar for baking

Cook above in microwave, whisking every minute until nice 'n thick (I start with 2 minutes, whisk, 1 minute, whisk, 1 minute, whisk... you get the idea). If it gets TOO thick, just whisk in more water. Let it cool a good five minutes or so (it will be really hot), then stir in: 

1 heaping Tbsp semi-sweet chocolate chips (preferably 70% or darker)

I pretty much let it cool down to only slightly warm before adding them in, otherwise the chocolate chips will just melt away as soon as you start stirring. You can always just sprinkle them on top though.

There are tons of substitutions and variations that can be made of this, too. Using oats, protein powder, different additives (walnuts, cacao nibs, blueberries...). Play around and see what works! This in particular is suited best for a PWO meal because of the faster-absorbing (high-glycemic) carbohydrates, ratio of protein to those carbs, and lower fat.

Tasty and effective! Enjoy!